Courage Wolf

kill the weak use them for fires

kill the weak use them for fires  Courage Wolf

Single on Valentines Day? Celebrate Independence Day

Single on Valentines Day? Celebrate Independence Day  Courage Wolf

GET PULLED OVER Ask, "Are those the same cuffs your Mom had me use on her last night?"


Find the source then destroy it

Find the source then destroy it  Courage Wolf

Do not kill hitler with a time machine Kill his father

Do not kill hitler with a time machine Kill his father  Courage Wolf

You schould be working

You schould be working  Courage Wolf

Be a winner Not a whiner

Be a winner Not a whiner  Courage Wolf

Dear Asian man buying powdered animals, we are sorry about your tiny, flaccid, useless penis... now stop poaching our fucking wildlife already its getting ridiculous! sincerely Africa

Dear Asian man buying powdered animals, 
we are sorry about your tiny, flaccid, useless penis... now stop poaching our fucking wildlife already its getting ridiculous!
sincerely Africa  Courage Wolf

you were born a winner! you one the sperm race

you were born a winner! you one the sperm race  Courage Wolf

if he knocks your teeth out spit them into his eyes

if he knocks your teeth out spit them into his eyes  Courage Wolf
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