Cool Psytrance Bros

Psytrance: Scientology + Kickdrums

Psytrance: Scientology + Kickdrums  Cool Psytrance Bros

Sorry man, I'm totally broke I've only got $450 for a bag of coke

Sorry man, I'm totally broke I've only got $450 for a bag of coke  Cool Psytrance Bros

Complains about mainstream media blackout has no idea every major news outlet published this a week ago

Complains about mainstream media blackout has no idea every major news outlet published this a week ago  Cool Psytrance Bros

heitetaan back2back tanhuhovissa

heitetaan back2back tanhuhovissa  Cool Psytrance Bros

paying the same 2 songs for the last 10 years no ones noticed yet...

paying the same 2 songs for the last 10 years no ones noticed yet...  Cool Psytrance Bros

says the pyramids must have been built by aliens gets all his history knowledge from ancient aliens

says the pyramids must have been built by aliens gets all his history knowledge from ancient aliens  Cool Psytrance Bros

The vegetarian food stall is only selling healthy food and an assortment of LSD

The vegetarian food stall is only selling healthy food and an assortment of LSD  Cool Psytrance Bros

So much into crystal healing Just ate half gram of it

So much into crystal healing Just ate half gram of it  Cool Psytrance Bros

Go to Remedy man in charge breaks his foot stomping

Go to Remedy man in charge breaks his foot stomping  Cool Psytrance Bros

Reads line up to popular festival and is fully aware of it comes home and complains about the music on the internet

Reads line up to popular festival and is fully aware of it comes home and complains about the music on the internet  Cool Psytrance Bros
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