Confused Gandalf


 Snow?  Confused Gandalf

do i look like captain barbosa?

 do i look like captain barbosa?  Confused Gandalf

deactivated cat?

 deactivated cat?  Confused Gandalf

Barbiturates, anxiolytics, sedatives, anticonvulsants, I have no memory of these things Opiods, nsaids, gaba, metabolites

Barbiturates, anxiolytics, sedatives, anticonvulsants,  I have no memory of these things Opiods, nsaids, gaba, metabolites  Confused Gandalf

Papa johns is bad?

 Papa johns is bad?  Confused Gandalf


 Invisible?  Confused Gandalf

Google... Bacon?

Google... Bacon?  Confused Gandalf

Stray bullets?

 Stray bullets?  Confused Gandalf

Ridiculously Photogenic Syrian Rebel?

 Ridiculously Photogenic Syrian Rebel?  Confused Gandalf

socially awkward cricket? scumbag doctor's office? oompa loompas? i have no memory of these memes

socially awkward cricket? scumbag doctor's office? oompa loompas? i have no memory of these memes  Confused Gandalf
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