Confucius says

Woman who sleeps with many fishermen Has red snapper

Woman who sleeps with many fishermen Has red snapper  Confucius says

Woman who puts detergent on top shelf jump for Joy

Woman who puts detergent on top shelf  jump for Joy  Confucius says

School boy who fingers school girl during periods Gets caught red-handed

School boy who fingers school girl during periods Gets caught red-handed  Confucius says

Man who shits out watch is passing time

Man who shits out watch is passing time  Confucius says

man who pee in wind get golden shower

man who pee in wind get golden shower  Confucius says

EDWAR SAID LONG orientalizm long

EDWAR SAID LONG orientalizm  long  Confucius says

Confucius Say Stephen A. Burroughs Very Honorable Man Confucius Know Better Than To Mess With Stephen A. Burroughs

Confucius Say Stephen A. Burroughs Very Honorable Man Confucius Know Better Than To Mess With Stephen A. Burroughs  Confucius says

Man Who stir up shit eventually lick the spoon

Man Who stir up shit eventually lick the spoon  Confucius says

Culinary degree. Works at pizza place.

Culinary degree. Works at pizza place.  Confucius says

Man who jizz in cash register come into money

Man who jizz in cash register come into money  Confucius says
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