Confucius says

man with hands in pockets feels foolish man with holes in pockets feels nuts

man with hands in pockets feels foolish man with holes in pockets feels nuts  Confucius says

You who fap

You who fap   Confucius says

Man who sleep with itchy butt wake up with smelly fingers

Man who sleep with itchy butt wake up with smelly fingers  Confucius says

woman who get butt implants put her problems behind her

woman who get butt implants put her problems behind her  Confucius says

Girl who strip for job Seen too much pole

Girl who strip for job Seen too much pole  Confucius says

Man Who Go Thru Turnstyle Sideways Going To Bangkok

Man Who Go Thru Turnstyle Sideways Going To Bangkok  Confucius says

Squirrel who climb up lady's leg find no nuts

Squirrel who climb up lady's leg find no nuts  Confucius says

Man go to bed with itchy bum Wake up with smelly finger

Man go to bed with itchy bum Wake up with smelly finger  Confucius says

Go to bed with itchy bum wake up with stinky finger

Go to bed with itchy  bum wake up with stinky finger  Confucius says

Asks for herp for godzirra can't see which way he went

Asks for herp for godzirra can't see which way he went  Confucius says
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