Confession kid

WHEN I WAS A KID... My parents told me that Holiday Inn's were adoption agencies, and if I misbehaved they'd take me there

WHEN I WAS A KID... My parents told me that Holiday Inn's were adoption agencies, and if I misbehaved they'd take me there  Confession kid

When I was a kid... I thought hotdogs were made of dogs, they were my favorite childhood food.

When I was a kid... I thought hotdogs were made of dogs, they were my favorite childhood food.  Confession kid

WHEN I WAS A KID, I thought untitled when opening a new document was pronounced u-tilt-ed.

WHEN I WAS A KID, I thought untitled when opening a new document was pronounced u-tilt-ed.   Confession kid

WHEN I WAS A KID I used to think yeast infections were when girls had bread growing out of their hoohoo

WHEN I WAS A KID I used to think yeast infections were when girls had bread growing out of their hoohoo  Confession kid

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought women stuck tampons up their butts

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought women stuck tampons up their butts  Confession kid

WHEN I WAS A KID... I raised my hand in English class and asked, "Who the hell is John Ray?"

WHEN I WAS A KID... I raised my hand in English class and asked,

Told all my friends in Kindergarten I got a new Sony Playstation for my Birthday.. It was a boombox.

Told all my friends in Kindergarten I got a new Sony Playstation for my Birthday.. It was a boombox.  Confession kid

As a young lad, i didn't understand video capture in my mind, any show or film i watched multiple times was being performed perfectly...multiple times.

As a young lad, i didn't understand video capture in my mind, any show or film i watched multiple times was being performed perfectly...multiple times.  Confession kid

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought that the food stamps I saw Hispanics paying for food with, were Mexican money.

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought that the food stamps I saw Hispanics paying for food with, were Mexican money.  Confession kid

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought black people were just really tan white people

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought black people were just really tan white people  Confession kid
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