Confession Tiger

Tigers don't eat cereal They aren't Grrrrreat

Tigers don't eat cereal They aren't Grrrrreat  Confession Tiger

My downstairs neighbors dog died yesterday and I couldn't be happier

My downstairs neighbors dog died yesterday and I couldn't be happier  Confession Tiger

Both of my eyes aren't that grrrrreat

Both of my eyes  aren't that grrrrreat  Confession Tiger

I can grow an awesome beard for No Shave november can't because of military duties

I can grow an awesome beard for No Shave november can't because of military duties  Confession Tiger

I DON'T WANT JANE AND GREYSON to get together ever

I DON'T WANT JANE AND GREYSON to get together ever  Confession Tiger

I actually Like fruitcake

I actually Like fruitcake  Confession Tiger

I'm going to use this meme to say how much I hate confession bear

 I'm going to use this meme to say how much I hate confession bear  Confession Tiger

I always upvote hypnotoad my mind tells me I have to

I always upvote hypnotoad my mind tells me I have to  Confession Tiger

Sometimes it's hard to nut

Sometimes it's hard to nut  Confession Tiger

I have no idea What "scotchgard" is, what it does, or how to use it.

I have no idea What
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