Confession Bear

I made up a confession for the bear Just for upvotes

I made up a confession for the bear Just for upvotes  Confession Bear

I hit on short girls when I'm single Because my dick looks huge in their hand.

I hit on short girls when I'm single Because my dick looks huge in their hand.   Confession Bear

Seeing my family is not my favorite part about coming home from college It is the amount of food that is only a few steps from away my room

Seeing my family is not my favorite part about coming home from college It is the amount of food that is only a few steps from away my room  Confession Bear

I often look through r/amiugly when i feel depressed It makes me feel better about myself

I often look through r/amiugly when i feel depressed It makes me feel better about myself  Confession Bear

I get stoned and post all my highdeas just for the sake of having something to check when I login

I get stoned and post all my highdeas just for the sake of having something to check when I login  Confession Bear

I didn't actually want to date her... But she was the only marginally attractive woman interested in me at the time.

I didn't actually want to date her... But she was the only marginally attractive woman interested in me at the time.  Confession Bear

My hot female roommate noticed her thong on my floor I told her the kitten must have dragged it in, because we were drunk and she doesn't remember having sex with me

My hot female roommate noticed her thong on my floor I told her the kitten must have dragged it in, because we were drunk and she doesn't remember having sex with me  Confession Bear

I thought the Water Temple Was the easiest part of the game

I thought the Water Temple Was the easiest part of the game  Confession Bear

sometimes i don't uptoke because i'm too lazy to sign in

sometimes i don't uptoke because i'm too lazy to sign in  Confession Bear

When I see friends "liking" Romney on Facebook I consider defriending them

When I see friends
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