Confession Bear

I unfriend people when they have babies

I unfriend people when they have babies  Confession Bear

When I was a kid, my friend and I were fooling around with my dad's rifle In 1963, in the Texas School Book Depository.

When I was a kid, my friend and I were fooling around with my dad's rifle In 1963, in the Texas School Book Depository.  Confession Bear

Once I jerked off in a public bathroom In the urinal

Once I jerked off in a public bathroom In the urinal  Confession Bear

I automatically assume any girl in a sorority is a slut

I automatically assume any girl in a sorority is a slut   Confession Bear

I pretend to sleep by putting my head down in class Just so I can look at this girl's beautiful legs who sits behind me

I pretend to sleep by putting my head down in class  Just so I can look at this girl's beautiful legs who sits behind me  Confession Bear

I always insist on ladies going first because I need a decoy to destroy possible spiderwebs.

I always insist on ladies going first because I need a decoy to destroy possible spiderwebs.  Confession Bear

After i scratch my balls I smell my fingers

After i scratch my balls I smell my fingers  Confession Bear

Wehn i see a post with a lot of comments i dont bother commenting because I know it will never be appreciated

Wehn i see a post with a lot of comments  i dont bother commenting because I know it will never be appreciated  Confession Bear

As awesome as you guys are I don't want to meet any of you in real life

As awesome as you guys are I don't want to meet any of you in real life  Confession Bear

I think telling a woman to make a sandwhich Is extremely sexist and wrong

I think telling a woman to make a sandwhich  Is extremely sexist and wrong   Confession Bear
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