Confession Bear

I flushed a tennis ball down a toilet at my elementary school It is still clogged to this day 6 years later

I flushed a tennis ball down a toilet at my elementary school It is still clogged to this day 6 years later  Confession Bear

I need to go through the whole alphabet to know which letter comes after which

I need to go through the whole alphabet  to know which letter comes after which  Confession Bear

I don't care about oral sex I just want a girlfriend.

I don't care about oral 
sex I just want a girlfriend.  Confession Bear

Excited to raise a child together Bummed to lose my favorite drinking buddy for 9 months

Excited to raise a child together Bummed to lose my favorite drinking buddy for 9 months  Confession Bear

I lie and say my leave is denied Because I don't want to go back to the people i left of purpose

I lie and say my leave is denied Because I don't want to go back to the people i left of purpose  Confession Bear

When people rush me I intentionally move slower

When people rush me I intentionally move slower  Confession Bear

I think people who spank their screaming children in walmart are actually good parents

I think people who spank their screaming children in walmart are actually good parents  Confession Bear

Slender Man iSN'T SCARY

Slender Man iSN'T  SCARY  Confession Bear

I wish my ex would die so I could get custody of my kids and leave the country

I wish my ex would die so I could get custody of my kids and leave the country  Confession Bear

I can't help but click Just to see how bad it is

I can't help but click Just to see how bad it is  Confession Bear
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