Confession Bear

I was going to start going to the gym in the new year But all the posts making fun of it have caused me to be too self conscious

I was going to start going to the gym in the new year But all the posts making fun of it have caused me to be too self conscious  Confession Bear

The only reason why I ever watched C-SPAN... was to see Ron Paul rip the shit out of Ben Bernanke

The only reason why I ever watched C-SPAN... was to see Ron Paul rip the shit out of Ben Bernanke  Confession Bear

I occasionally read /r/saints so I can downvote everything

I occasionally read /r/saints so I can downvote everything  Confession Bear

I still haven't seen Star Wars Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter or the Big Lebowski.

I still haven't seen Star Wars  Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter or the Big Lebowski.   Confession Bear

Sometimes when people make me mad I downvote everything of theirs I can

Sometimes when people make me mad I downvote everything of theirs I can   Confession Bear

The amount of money i spent on nail polish this year could pay for christmas gifts for my family twice

The amount of money i spent on nail polish this year could pay for christmas gifts for my family twice  Confession Bear

I sometimes wish Hurricane Schwartz didn't recover from his heart surgery so I could see more of Sheena Parveen

I sometimes wish Hurricane Schwartz didn't recover from his heart surgery so I could see more of Sheena Parveen  Confession Bear

I frequently unplug the refrigerator in the break room.

 I frequently unplug the refrigerator in the break room.  Confession Bear

I send one of my employees on unnecessary business trips all the time So that I can sleep with his wife more often

I send one of my employees on unnecessary business trips all the time So that I can sleep with his wife more often  Confession Bear

I want the thunder or spurs to win so i dont have to choose if i want to root for the warriors or grizz

I want the thunder or spurs to win so i dont have to choose if i want to root for the warriors or grizz  Confession Bear
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