Confession Bear

I like the song "How you remind me" by Nickelback

 I like the song

if you capitalize every word in your post i'm going to downvote it

if you capitalize every word in your post i'm going to downvote it  Confession Bear

I laugh really hard at Bad joke eel

I laugh really hard at Bad joke eel
  Confession Bear

Before I found Reddit I actually Enjoyed 9GAG

Before I found Reddit I actually Enjoyed 9GAG  Confession Bear

I only commented to get karma

I only commented to get karma  Confession Bear

If I get a single upvote or positive comment from you I automatically +friend you

If I get a single upvote or positive comment from you I automatically +friend you  Confession Bear

I really hate r/atheism Like "rape your bloody corpse" hate r/atheism

I really hate r/atheism Like

My penis isn't as big as my karma says it is

My penis isn't as big as my karma says it is  Confession Bear

sometimes i don't up-vote a post i found funny

sometimes i don't   up-vote a post i found funny  Confession Bear

I don't know what to do with my arms when I am the big spoon

I don't know what to do with my arms when I am the big spoon  Confession Bear
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