Confession Bear

I respect and value my friend But I would not set him up with a girl because I think he is too possessive and jealous.

I respect and value my friend But I would not set him up with a girl because I think he is too possessive and jealous.   Confession Bear

Overly Attached Dog Has really scary looking eyes.

Overly Attached Dog  Has really scary looking eyes.  Confession Bear

When my roommate snores at night, I intentionally get up and make a whole bunch of noise so he'll shift position and stop.

When my roommate snores at night, I intentionally get up and make a whole bunch of noise so he'll shift position and stop.  Confession Bear

I prefer foreign cars over American built cars

I prefer foreign cars  over American built cars  Confession Bear

I fucking hate people And I genuinely enjoy being alone

I fucking hate people And I genuinely enjoy being alone  Confession Bear

When I fart, I try to inhale as much of it as possible in the hopes of making the smell less apparent to others

When I fart, I try to inhale as much of it as possible in the hopes of making the smell less apparent to others  Confession Bear

I stabbed a high school bully 17 times And fed his body to alligators

I stabbed a high school bully 17 times And fed his body to alligators  Confession Bear

I don't wipe

 I don't wipe  Confession Bear

I would do terrible things to find someone I know on /r/Gonewild

I would do terrible things to find someone I know on /r/Gonewild  Confession Bear

Anytime I see a feel-good fb story that ends with "most won't repost this" I automatically won't

Anytime I see a feel-good fb story that ends with
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