Confession Bear

When its someones Cake Day I almost never upvote their post

When its someones Cake Day I almost never upvote their post  Confession Bear

I'm 22 And I'm terrified to poop in public

I'm 22 And I'm terrified to poop in public  Confession Bear

I like seeing friends from out of state But I really just wish they'd go home and chase storms in their own state

I like seeing friends from out of state But I really just wish they'd go home and chase storms in their own state  Confession Bear

I only listen to dubstep For the intro

I only listen to dubstep For the intro  Confession Bear

Until someone said it was an alien I thought Reddit's mascot was a robot

Until someone said it was an alien I thought Reddit's mascot was a robot  Confession Bear

my wife thinks i'm being considerate when i change the toilet paper roll I only do it because it's more convenient to me, to get the job done faster

my wife thinks i'm being considerate when i change the toilet paper roll I only do it because it's more convenient to me, to get the job done faster  Confession Bear

I got over 1,000 Comment karma on one comment Because 1,000 people didn't realize i was being sarcastic

I got over 1,000 Comment karma on one comment Because 1,000 people didn't realize i was being sarcastic  Confession Bear

whenever a girl expects me to hold a door for her i close it behind me

whenever a girl expects me to hold a door for her i close it behind me   Confession Bear

I get my hair cut at a Hispanic run barbershop So I don't have to make awkward conversation

I get my hair cut at a Hispanic run barbershop So I don't have to make awkward conversation   Confession Bear

My fiancee snores in her sleep which i use as my cue to masterbate

My fiancee snores in her sleep which i use as my cue to masterbate  Confession Bear
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