Confession Bear

I've never had a problem with Apple Maps And like it better than Google because of the turn-by-turn directions

I've never had a problem with Apple Maps And like it better than Google because of the turn-by-turn directions  Confession Bear

I like a girl who is two years younger than me, does hard drugs, and already lost her virginity and I still like her

I like a girl who is two years younger than me, does hard drugs, and already lost her virginity and I still like her  Confession Bear

If I could i would leave everyone behind In hopes to be happier in a new life

If I could i would leave everyone behind In hopes to be happier in a new life  Confession Bear

I secretly want to get circumcised because i think it looks better and will desensitize my quick release penis

I secretly want to get circumcised because i think it looks better and will desensitize my quick release penis   Confession Bear

i did coke and had sex with my friends mom by accidentally meeting her through craigslist

i did coke and had sex with my friends mom by accidentally meeting her through craigslist   Confession Bear

I think anyone who critisizes someone in the military for any reason at all is a coward and too scared to serve

I think anyone who critisizes someone in the military for any reason at all is a coward and too scared to serve  Confession Bear

Why has this become A facebook newsfeed

Why has this become A facebook newsfeed  Confession Bear

I'm really mean to people on purpose Because when i used to be nice, people would walk all over me

I'm really mean to people on purpose Because when i used to be nice, people would walk all over me   Confession Bear

I don't like honey!

I don't like  honey!  Confession Bear

I care less about the fiscal cliff and gun control Than legalizing pot

I care less about the fiscal cliff and gun control Than legalizing pot  Confession Bear
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