Confession Bear

If you post an article I'll only read the title

If you post an article I'll only read the title  Confession Bear

I always downvote Bad grammar.

I always downvote  Bad grammar.  Confession Bear

I'm on Reddit and not on facebook because I care more about what strangers have to say than the people i know

I'm on Reddit and not on facebook because I care more about what strangers have to say than the people i know  Confession Bear

I actually liked 9gag Before I found Reddit

I actually liked 9gag Before I found Reddit  Confession Bear

I like the song Drake Song "The Motto"

I like the song Drake Song

I downvote Downvoting Roman everytime.

I downvote Downvoting Roman everytime.  Confession Bear

All dubstep Sounds exactly the same to me

All dubstep Sounds exactly the same to me  Confession Bear

gets one comment on his post from a grammar correcting nazi downvotes all their posts and comments

gets one comment on his post from a grammar correcting nazi downvotes all their posts and comments  Confession Bear

I don't care About this meme

I don't care About this meme  Confession Bear

i don't know when my cake day is

i don't know when my cake day is  Confession Bear
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