Confession Bear

i blast death metal on my car radio when driving through the black neighborhood near my house to get back at them for blasting hip hop while driving through my neighborhood

i blast death metal on my car radio when driving through the black neighborhood near my house to get back at them for blasting hip hop while driving through my neighborhood  Confession Bear

One of my roommates never cleans our shower So I used his shower poof to clean it

One of my roommates never cleans our shower So I used his shower poof to clean it  Confession Bear

Made fun of my post I down voted EVERY post you ever made

Made fun of my post I down voted EVERY post you ever made  Confession Bear


I love someone I WILL PROBABLY NEVER SEE  Confession Bear

i actually love yellow starbursts

i actually love  yellow starbursts  Confession Bear

I sometimes browse r/new Just so I can see if my comment gets more upvotes

I sometimes browse r/new  Just so I can see if my comment gets more upvotes  Confession Bear

I can't wait until my cousin's wedding is over next weekend So as Maid of Honor I don't feel obligated to talk to any of the other bridesmaids ever again

I can't wait until my cousin's wedding is over next weekend So as Maid of Honor I don't feel obligated to talk to any of the other bridesmaids ever again  Confession Bear

I get disappointed whenever I go see Metallica and they don't play anything from Load or St. Anger

I get disappointed whenever I go see Metallica and they don't play anything from Load or St. Anger  Confession Bear

I have to pretend that me and my fundie in-laws just have a difference of opinion in order to get along I actually think they are just hateful, spiteful people obsessed with controlling other people's personal lives

I have to pretend that me and my fundie in-laws just have a difference of opinion in order to get along I actually think they are just hateful, spiteful people obsessed with controlling other people's personal lives  Confession Bear

My ex-boyfriend got drunk and had a one night stand. The girl got pregnant and had his son nine months later. I told him to cut all ties with his son if he wanted to be with me. He chose me. We obviously didn't last, but this boy still doesn't have a dad

My ex-boyfriend got drunk and had a one night stand. The girl got pregnant and had his son nine months later. I told him to cut all ties with his son if he wanted to be with me. He chose me. We obviously didn't last, but this boy still doesn't have a dad   Confession Bear
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