Confession Bear

I unfriend people On their birthdays

I unfriend people On their birthdays  Confession Bear

i don't like most of my favorite band's other fans

i don't like most of my favorite band's other fans  Confession Bear

I'm a straight male but I enjoy looking through /r/ladyboners

I'm a straight male but I enjoy looking through /r/ladyboners  Confession Bear

I'm a big guy and i don't like big sandwiches.

I'm a big guy and i don't like big sandwiches.  Confession Bear

i'm fat

 i'm fat  Confession Bear

I always downvote Sudden clarity clarence

I always downvote Sudden clarity clarence  Confession Bear

my comments never get read because I only read the front page

my comments never get read because I only read the front page  Confession Bear


I LIKE THIS MEME  Confession Bear

Mckayla maroney I don't find her attractive

Mckayla maroney I don't find her attractive  Confession Bear

the mckayla meme makes me think you're all a bunch of pedophiles.

the mckayla meme makes me think you're all a bunch of pedophiles.  Confession Bear
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