Confession Bear

my neighbors are loud-mouth, pot heads who party all the time and I'll do anythying to get them in trouble

my neighbors are loud-mouth, pot heads who party all the time and I'll do anythying to get them in trouble  Confession Bear



Sometimes when a roommate knocks on my door I quickly run tail -f /var/log/syslog in a terminal Because I will look busy, so he will leave me alone...

Sometimes when a roommate knocks on my door I quickly run
tail -f /var/log/syslog in a terminal Because I will look busy, so he will leave me alone...  Confession Bear

I act like an asshole to everyone So they don't miss me when I eventually kill myself

I act like an asshole to everyone So they don't miss me when I eventually kill myself  Confession Bear

There's always a roll of toilet paper on my desk next to my computer monitor

There's always a roll of toilet paper on my desk next to my computer monitor  Confession Bear

I like Crocs They are comfortable and versatile

I like Crocs They are comfortable and versatile  Confession Bear

Sometimes i wear headphones without any music playing

Sometimes i wear headphones without any music playing  Confession Bear

If your culture has no written language and believes in witch-doctors I'll consider it vastly inferior and/or primitive.

If your culture has no written language and believes in
 witch-doctors I'll consider it vastly inferior and/or primitive.  Confession Bear

I was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and an attempt. I faked my way out because I didn't want to flunk out of school. I can't handle life most days because I refused the help.

I was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and an attempt. I faked my way out because I didn't want to flunk out of school. I can't handle life most days because I refused the help.  Confession Bear

I offered green eggs and ham to a 5 year old Muslim kid while working in afterschool childcare He loved it and got a second and third helping

I offered green eggs and ham to a 5 year old Muslim kid while working in afterschool childcare He loved it and got a second and third helping  Confession Bear
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