Confession Bear

I don't think Parks and Recreation is funny

I don't think Parks and Recreation is funny  Confession Bear

No one at work is a Redditor So they all think I'm hilarious and original

No one at work is a Redditor So they all think I'm hilarious and original  Confession Bear

I searched /r/wtf for fap material

I searched /r/wtf for fap material  Confession Bear

I automatically downvote sponsored link posts

I automatically downvote sponsored link posts  Confession Bear

Since being on reddit I dont hate cats as much

Since being on reddit I dont hate cats as much  Confession Bear

Everytime I see a Halloween costume post I automatically downvote it

Everytime I see a Halloween costume post  I automatically downvote it  Confession Bear

I'm so fucking brave on Reddit That I'm literally embarrassed by it.

I'm so fucking brave on Reddit That I'm literally embarrassed by it.  Confession Bear

I don't post on reddit Because i don't have anything to post

I don't post on reddit Because i don't have anything to post  Confession Bear

I actually kind of like Christmas music Even in November

I actually kind of like Christmas music Even in November   Confession Bear


 I HATE HALO  Confession Bear
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