Confession Bear

I spilled an entire box of q-tips in the bathroom, so I tore up some TP to frame the cat.

I spilled an entire box of q-tips in the bathroom, so I tore up some TP to frame the cat.  Confession Bear

When i saw the pics of the Boston neighborhood filled with cops all i could think was This guy got 6 stars in GTA

When i saw the pics of the Boston neighborhood filled with cops all i could think was This guy got 6 stars in GTA  Confession Bear

I saw "Anonymous" on a list of donors I thought it was the hacker group

I saw

Sometimes I make up fake link titles To get people to click on my links

Sometimes I make up fake link titles To get people to click on my links  Confession Bear

"No, I don't have any homework..."

I hit a baby rabbit while driving and told my girlfriend I missed it so she wouldn't cry

I hit a baby rabbit while driving and told my girlfriend I missed it so she wouldn't cry  Confession Bear

It's workout wensday but i workout on tuesdays and thursdays

It's workout wensday but i workout on tuesdays and thursdays  Confession Bear

I left the tap on, and flooded the back of the countertop by accident I didn't say anything and watched my dad try to figure out where the leak was for 40 minutes

I left the tap on, and flooded the back of the countertop by accident I didn't say anything and watched my dad try to figure out where the leak was for 40 minutes  Confession Bear

I had sex with my best friends sister at their family bbq I helped put together a basketball hoop for her son, with her husband

I had sex with my best friends sister at their family bbq I helped put together a basketball hoop for her son, with her husband  Confession Bear

It turns out that you can literally write anything in front of the confession bear and Redditors will send you straight to the front page.

It turns out that you can literally write anything in front of the confession bear and Redditors will send you straight to the front page.  Confession Bear
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