Confession Bear

i don't go to r/gonewild anymore my labia feel inadequate

i don't go to r/gonewild anymore my labia feel inadequate  Confession Bear

I'm all for breast cancer awareness But i hate that we have to paint everything pink

I'm all for breast cancer awareness But i hate that we have to paint everything pink  Confession Bear

i really couldnt care less that youre facebook friends arent athiest

i really couldnt care less that youre facebook friends arent athiest  Confession Bear

I hate gangnam style

I hate gangnam style  Confession Bear

I always invited everybody I knew So I'd get more presents

I always invited everybody I knew So I'd get more presents  Confession Bear

I feel entitled to make racist jokes because of my minority spouse

I feel entitled to make racist jokes because of my minority spouse  Confession Bear

i thought women had prostates until i was 17

i thought women had prostates until i was 17  Confession Bear

If you have a tattoo with your name on it I assume you're a douche

If you have a tattoo with your name on it I assume you're a douche  Confession Bear

NSFW becomes not safe for wife

NSFW becomes not safe for wife  Confession Bear

I don't click on "guess my age" Amisexy posts Because I don't want to find out if I am a pedophile

I don't click on
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