Confession Bear

I can't do the "tuck in the waistband" trick when I have a boner Because even my hard dick is too small to reach

I can't do the

I only go on the itunes store to find music/movies I can illegally download

I only go on the itunes store to find music/movies I can illegally download  Confession Bear

I tell people I'm just a picky eater because I'm too lazy to explain what hyperosmia is

I tell people I'm just a picky eater because I'm too lazy to explain what hyperosmia is  Confession Bear

If you say "bring on the downvotes" I bring them

If you say

I Troll on reddit so i can have good posts to use on facebook

I Troll on reddit so i can have good posts to use on facebook  Confession Bear

Sometimes when I ask a person something about them I already know the answer from stalking them online

Sometimes when I ask a person something about them I already know the answer from stalking them online  Confession Bear

When I use a public restroom I like when the seat is warm

When I use a public restroom I like when the seat is warm  Confession Bear

Anytime someone says signifigant other or partner when talking about their relationship I automatically assume they're a homosexual

Anytime someone says signifigant other or partner when talking about their relationship I automatically assume they're a homosexual  Confession Bear

Created a Twitter page to fuck with my high school I JUST WANT TO BE POPULAR

Created a Twitter page to fuck with my high school I JUST WANT TO BE POPULAR  Confession Bear

Whenever I go into a store, I glance at the floor of each aisle I pass by In hopes that I'll find money laying on the ground.

Whenever I go into a store, I glance at the floor of each aisle I pass by In hopes that I'll find money laying on the ground.  Confession Bear
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