Confession Bear

I thought people from Chechnia were called Chechnians, not chechens.

I thought people from Chechnia were called Chechnians, not chechens.   Confession Bear

Every day for the past 12 years I've thought about killing myself

Every day for the past 12 years I've thought about killing myself  Confession Bear

I hope Community's ratings drop So it gets canceled before it's legacy is further tarnished

I hope Community's ratings drop So it gets canceled before it's legacy is further tarnished  Confession Bear

I post in /r/trees most of the time because I know they'll upvote posts no matter what it is

I post in /r/trees most of the time because I know they'll upvote posts no matter what it is  Confession Bear

when my friends complain about being unemployed for a long time I feel no sympathy because I believe they aren't trying hard enough

when my friends complain about being unemployed for a long time I feel no sympathy because I believe they aren't trying hard enough  Confession Bear

i upvote posts i comment on even if i don't like them just to make it more likely that i'll get some comment karma

i upvote posts i comment on even if i don't like them just to make it more likely that i'll get some comment karma  Confession Bear

I actually think that some people who dress with "swag" look pretty spiffy

I actually think that some people who dress with

I make snarky troll comments on the fly because I think it's funny If people reply to them I feel bad for being such a dick

I make snarky troll comments on the fly because I think it's funny If people reply to them I feel bad for being such a dick  Confession Bear

I actually enjoy listening to Lil Wayne

I actually enjoy listening to Lil Wayne  Confession Bear

I'm sorry but I will never upvote your dying parent/sibling/friend/pet

I'm sorry but I will never upvote your dying parent/sibling/friend/pet  Confession Bear
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