Confession Bear

I don't date girls outside my race So i won't risk disappointing her parents.

I don't date girls outside my race So i won't risk disappointing her parents.  Confession Bear

I went looking for a MAN OF STEEL cam I've been listening to the soundtrack obsessively over and over and over for the past 24 hours

I went looking for a MAN OF STEEL cam I've been listening to the soundtrack obsessively over and over  and over for the past 24 hours  Confession Bear

I like airplane food

 I like airplane food  Confession Bear

sometimes i make diamond hoes

sometimes i make diamond hoes  Confession Bear

I've been a Redditor for months I still don't know what Reddit Gold is

I've been a Redditor for months I still don't know what Reddit Gold is  Confession Bear

I don't care about the ethics of large media companies i just like getting stuff for free

I don't care about the ethics of large media companies i just like getting stuff for free  Confession Bear

I've never played any pokemon games

I've never played any pokemon games  Confession Bear

I downvote any posts that have smiley faces in their titles

I downvote any posts that have smiley faces in their titles  Confession Bear

when i roll joints i like to add tobacco

when i roll joints i like to add tobacco   Confession Bear

90% f my googlesearches are spellchecks

90% f my googlesearches are spellchecks  Confession Bear
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