Confession Bear

I really don't care About shinies

I really don't care About shinies  Confession Bear

Am i the only one who actually likes raticate

Am i the only one who actually likes raticate  Confession Bear

whenever I hang out with my parents I drink a lot so they don't think I'm pregnant

whenever I hang out with my parents I drink a lot so they don't think I'm pregnant  Confession Bear

If I see a Pokemon reference i automatically downvote

If I see a Pokemon reference i automatically downvote  Confession Bear

I Use Redditor's Wife To make sure I'm up to date

I Use Redditor's Wife To make sure I'm up to date  Confession Bear

I'm judgemental And I use this meme to seek validation

I'm judgemental And I use this meme to seek validation  Confession Bear

If you drive an american pick up with four doors I assume you're tailgating me to make up for your small penis

If you drive an american pick up with four doors I assume you're tailgating me to make up for your small penis  Confession Bear

I delete my posts if they don't get at least 5 points

I delete my posts if they don't get at least 5 points  Confession Bear

I don't really like Expensive sport cars like Ferrari

I don't really like  Expensive sport cars like Ferrari  Confession Bear

I'm browsing /r/new So I can downvote your halloween pictures.

I'm browsing /r/new So I can downvote your halloween pictures.  Confession Bear
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