Confession Bear

If you smoke cigarettes I find you unattractive regardless of your looks

If you smoke cigarettes I find you unattractive regardless of your looks  Confession Bear


NO   Confession Bear

I won't eat anything that was in the cast of the little mermaid

I won't eat anything that was in the cast of the little
mermaid  Confession Bear

Sometimes i pretend to be mad just so people don't talk to me

Sometimes i pretend to be mad just so people don't talk to me  Confession Bear

Sometimes when I poop I pretend I'm dropping nuclear bombs into the ocean

Sometimes when I poop I pretend I'm dropping nuclear bombs into the ocean  Confession Bear

I only go to barbershops owned by immigrants So the person cutting my hair doesn't try to talk to me

I only go to barbershops owned by immigrants So the person cutting my hair doesn't try to talk to me  Confession Bear

Karma karma karma karma karma karma karma

Karma karma
 karma karma karma karma karma  Confession Bear

When a girl talks about how other girls are just drama I automatically assume she's the dramatic one

When a girl talks about how other girls are just drama I automatically assume she's the dramatic one  Confession Bear

Anytime I see someone wearing a phone on a belt clip I automatically think they are a huge douche

Anytime I see someone wearing a phone on a belt clip I automatically think they are a huge douche  Confession Bear

Sister's ex tried to kill himself Wish they didn't find him in time

Sister's ex tried to kill himself Wish they didn't find him in time   Confession Bear
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