Confession Bear

Sometimes I puprosely use spelling/grammar mistakes to get noticed

Sometimes I puprosely use spelling/grammar mistakes to get noticed  Confession Bear

I smoke weed and dislike r/trees

I smoke weed and dislike r/trees  Confession Bear

I like this meme

I like   this meme  Confession Bear

I chose my team based on what ash had

I  chose my team based on what ash had  Confession Bear

i looked up ermahgerd on google translate

i looked up ermahgerd on google translate  Confession Bear

If res won't load your link I will downvote it

If res won't load your link I will downvote it  Confession Bear

I actually liked The Star Wars prequels.

I actually liked The Star Wars prequels.  Confession Bear

I miss Community The way it was Season One

I miss Community The way it was Season One  Confession Bear

I don't care about people getting over meth When they were dumb enough to try it

I don't care about people getting over meth When they were dumb enough to try it  Confession Bear

I cannot stand the "this is dog" meme

I cannot stand the
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