Confession Bear

I don't mind drinking at hofbrauhaus

I don't mind drinking at hofbrauhaus  Confession Bear

I'm getting tired Of Blake Anderson posts

I'm getting tired Of Blake Anderson posts  Confession Bear

I always use a walkthrough For the games I play

I always use a walkthrough For the games I play  Confession Bear

I prefer gen 3 Rainbow Dash Over gen 4 rainbow dash

I prefer gen 3 Rainbow Dash Over gen 4 rainbow dash  Confession Bear

The evil toddler meme really weirds me out

The evil toddler meme really weirds me out  Confession Bear

I browse /r/new so i can get easy comment karma

I browse /r/new  so i can get easy comment karma  Confession Bear

I chose the female character in B/W so i can watch her throw a pokeball

I chose the female character in B/W so i can watch her throw a pokeball   Confession Bear

I actually feel alot better about myself now when the fucked up new confession bears came up

I actually feel alot better about myself now when the fucked up new  confession bears came up  Confession Bear

I killed all the Tusken raiders not just the men, but the women and children too.

I killed all the Tusken raiders not just the men, but the women and children too.  Confession Bear

I move all the bud lite to the front of the fridge before a party So I can keep all the good microbrewery stuff for myself

I move all the bud lite to the front of the fridge before a party So I can keep all the good microbrewery stuff for myself  Confession Bear
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