Confession Bear

...I Liked Bane's Voice

 ...I Liked Bane's Voice  Confession Bear

When I saw Overly Attached Girlfriend I wanted to date her

When I saw Overly Attached Girlfriend I wanted to date her  Confession Bear

at 26 I still hate back to school commercials

at 26 I still hate back to school commercials  Confession Bear

I have never played Diablo

I have never played Diablo  Confession Bear

I have no idea how to play minesweeper

I have no idea how to play minesweeper  Confession Bear

I didn't realize "I just met you, and this is crazy" is from a song I thought it was just a meme for several weeks

I didn't realize

I Think the spongebob "how tough am i..." memes are not funny

I Think  the spongebob

I think Zach Braff is a pretentious douchebag

I think Zach Braff  is a pretentious douchebag  Confession Bear

That's okay I didn't want Karma anyway

That's okay I didn't want Karma anyway  Confession Bear

Anytime I hear someone on reddit rescued their pet I think they're karma whoring.

Anytime I hear someone on reddit rescued their pet I think they're karma whoring.  Confession Bear
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