Confession Bear

I ignore all candy crush requests until I need one from someone

I ignore all candy crush requests until I need one from someone    Confession Bear

I want North Korea to Launch a Nuke So we have an excuse to blow them off the map

I want North Korea to Launch a Nuke So we have an excuse to blow them off the map  Confession Bear

I buy a lot of reversible shorts so i can wear them two days in a row without anyone noticing

I buy a lot of reversible shorts so i can wear them two days in a row without anyone noticing  Confession Bear

My boyfriend thinks I swallow but I really just spit it out and wipe it on his sheets. every time.

My boyfriend thinks I swallow  but I really just spit it out and wipe it on his sheets. every time.  Confession Bear

When my dad went to the hospital for a stroke four months ago, none of my friends asked me if I needed to talk And I haven't forgiven them for it.

When my dad went to the hospital for a stroke four months ago, none of my friends asked me if I needed to talk And I haven't forgiven them for it.  Confession Bear

I pretend to get hyped up for Half Life 3 like everybody else I've never even played 1 or 2

I pretend to get hyped up for Half Life 3 like everybody else I've never even played 1 or 2  Confession Bear

I like my in-laws more than my parents

I like my in-laws more than my parents  Confession Bear

I got into an argument In the comments section of a youtube video

I got into an argument In the comments section of a youtube video  Confession Bear

Whenever people say they don't like Arrested Development I just assume they're not smart enough to understand it

Whenever people say they don't like Arrested Development I just assume they're not smart enough to understand it  Confession Bear

I asked my employee to give a presentation at the last minute today Because I was unprepared

I asked my employee to give a presentation at the last minute today Because I was unprepared  Confession Bear
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