Confession Bear

I stole my mum's whole make-up bag But she's just brought better branded make-up, and I'm tempted

I stole my mum's whole make-up bag But she's just brought better branded make-up, and I'm tempted   Confession Bear

I posess a red hot Ten Butt Shit

I posess a red hot Ten Butt Shit  Confession Bear

My husband thinks I'm a secretary I'm really a sex line operator

My husband thinks I'm a secretary I'm really a sex line operator  Confession Bear

When I was 8, my uncle touched my penis I enjoyed it

When I was 8, my uncle touched my penis I enjoyed it  Confession Bear

My dad told me to do something and he'd pay for it Had to tell him I didn't trust him to pay up

My dad told me to do something and he'd pay for it Had to tell him I didn't trust him to pay up  Confession Bear

I root for people speeding on the freeway and driving like maniacs to crash their car so they learn their lesson

I root for people speeding on the freeway and driving like maniacs to crash their car so they learn their lesson  Confession Bear

With no wifi at my aunt's house I masturbated to a stack of playboys I found in my cousins room

With no wifi at my aunt's house I masturbated to a stack of playboys I found in my cousins room  Confession Bear

I said I had 4/4 CN exp and 10k GS Neither were true until after the run.

I said I had 4/4 CN exp and 10k GS Neither were true until after the run.  Confession Bear

I'm severely depressed, diabetic, alcoholic, bisexual and I have a strong desire to commit suicide

I'm severely depressed, diabetic, alcoholic, bisexual and I have a strong desire to commit suicide  Confession Bear

I deleted her from his facebook and told him she made a status about deleting random facebook friends

I deleted her from his facebook and told him she made a status about deleting random facebook friends  Confession Bear
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