Confession Bear

I browse my Girlfriend's Pinterest So i can find out what she wants for the holidays

I browse my Girlfriend's Pinterest So i can find out what she wants for the holidays  Confession Bear

Sometimes i go to subreddits i dont like and downvote everyhting

Sometimes i go to subreddits i dont like and downvote everyhting  Confession Bear

If you submit to r/gonewild I automatically assume you have father issues

If you submit to r/gonewild I automatically assume you have father issues  Confession Bear

I often feel more sentimental towards animal cruelty than human cruelty

I often feel more sentimental towards animal cruelty than human cruelty  Confession Bear

Smoke kids eat kids kids smoke smoke eat eat kids eat In front

Smoke kids eat kids kids smoke smoke eat eat kids eat
In front  Confession Bear

I killed him and buried his body six feet beneath a dead dog

I killed him and buried his body six feet beneath a dead dog  Confession Bear

I enjoy anal but my husband doesn't

I enjoy anal but my husband doesn't  Confession Bear

If you beat your children to death with a baseball bat I automatically assume you're a murderer

If you beat your children to death with a baseball bat I automatically assume you're a murderer  Confession Bear

I'm starting to think that the only way to get to the front page is to repost something that's already been there

I'm starting to think that the only way to get to the front page is to repost something that's already been there  Confession Bear

Has found my dirty pictures TWICE

Has found my dirty pictures  TWICE  Confession Bear
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