Condescending Wonka

Oh, you have daddy issues? It must suck to have your dad work all day so you can have so many luxuries you take for granted

Oh, you have daddy issues? It must suck to have your dad work all day so you can have so many luxuries you take for granted  Condescending Wonka

You're a condescending ass? how superior you must be

You're a condescending ass? how superior you must be  Condescending Wonka

Stay Classy Rockport-Fulton? please.

Stay Classy Rockport-Fulton? please.  Condescending Wonka just spent twelve dollars on a vile of patchouli please tell me more abouthow caPITALism has ruined the world just spent twelve dollars on a vile of patchouli please tell me more abouthow caPITALism has ruined the world  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so you like good bands? go like handsome harlot on facebook then

Oh, so you like good bands? go like handsome harlot on facebook then   Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're burning cars because they are harmful to the planet? Please tell me more about how green is to burn a car using kerosene...

Oh, you're burning cars because they are harmful to the planet? Please tell me more about how green is to burn a car using kerosene...  Condescending Wonka

Oh, the pilot group needs to give concessions? Tell me more about how BH's salary increased 83%, and executive compensation increased 63% since 2008.

Oh, the pilot group needs to give concessions? Tell me more about how BH's salary increased 83%, and executive compensation increased  63% since 2008.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're posting reddit links on facebook? Please, post more. I haven't seen them on the front page yet.

Oh, you're posting reddit links on facebook? Please, post more. I haven't seen them on the front page yet.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you went to the bon iver concert? you must be best buds with justin vernon

Oh you went to the bon iver concert? you must be best buds with justin vernon  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're going into pre-med? We'll see about that

Oh, you're going into pre-med? We'll see about that  Condescending Wonka
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