Condescending Wonka

so andre put you on his vip guest list and you and ended up staying at his.. you guys will be in love forever

so andre put you on his vip guest list and you and ended up staying at his.. you guys will be in love forever  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you like hanging out in the reading room? Sorry, I meant to say chatting room. It's so loud in here words don't even make sense to me.

Oh, you like hanging out in the reading room? Sorry, I meant to say chatting room. It's so loud in here words don't even make sense to me.   Condescending Wonka

I just took a shit. . . and didn't wipe YOLO

I just took a shit. . . and didn't wipe YOLO  Condescending Wonka

That's a nice North Face jacket you have there Tell me about all the hiking trips you've been on.

That's a nice North Face jacket you have there Tell me about all the hiking trips you've been on.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so you reposted a 30 minute video on facebook well, aren't you quite the activist

Oh, so you reposted a 30 minute video on facebook well, aren't you quite the activist  Condescending Wonka

"Baby on board." Oh really? I was going to ram your car, but now I won't.

Oh, you watched a video on youtube and shared the link? You must be such an activist

Oh, you watched a video on youtube and shared the link? You must be such an activist  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you listen to bands from rise records? you're so metal

Oh, you listen to bands from rise records? you're so metal  Condescending Wonka

Oh, that's not metal enough for you? You must be the real thing.

Oh, that's not metal enough for you? You must be the real thing.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you can't sleep? Why not tell everyone on Facebook? That'll help.

Oh, you can't sleep? Why not tell everyone on Facebook? That'll help.  Condescending Wonka
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