Condescending Wonka

You're a sigma nu? isn't that adorable

You're a sigma nu? isn't that adorable  Condescending Wonka

you use axe body spray? the girls must be all over you

you use axe body spray? the girls must be all over you  Condescending Wonka

Oh Edinboro's boring Please, Tell me all of the interesting things you did before coming to college

Oh Edinboro's boring Please, Tell me all of the interesting things you did before coming to college  Condescending Wonka

I choose to disavow my own foibles and expose, mock yours to self-affirm my superiority.

I choose to disavow my own foibles  and expose, mock yours to self-affirm my superiority.   Condescending Wonka

You used a meme to insult people? You must feel so clever

You used a meme to insult people? You must feel so clever  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you quote every funny movie ever made? your roomates must think you are hilarious

Oh, you quote every funny movie ever made? your roomates must think you are hilarious    Condescending Wonka

Oh, you spent 2 years away from home teaching others about your religion? You must be so culturally diverse. Tell me all about it.

Oh, you spent 2 years away from home teaching others about your religion?  You must be so culturally diverse. Tell me all about it.   Condescending Wonka

a cashier was apathetic towards you? it is almost like this job isn't their life calling

a cashier was apathetic towards you? it is almost like this job isn't their life calling  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you work in the Air Force Security Forces You must have taken the short bus to basic training.

Oh, you work in the Air Force Security Forces You must have taken the short bus to basic training.  Condescending Wonka

You love country music ? You must be far more patriotic than me

You love country music ? You must be far more patriotic than me  Condescending Wonka
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