Condescending Wonka

Oh Snooki is pregnant? Please tell me how many fucks you don't give

Oh Snooki is pregnant? Please tell me how many fucks you don't give  Condescending Wonka

Oh you saw michael ballam in person? you must be so holy

Oh you saw michael ballam in person? you must be so holy  Condescending Wonka

99% of people won't repost this facebook status and you're in the 1% that will? congratulations. you've cured cancer.

99% of people won't repost this facebook status and you're in the 1% that will? congratulations.  you've cured cancer.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, your in a long distance relationship? please befriend all your boyfriends friends and comment on there things to make it look like you know them

Oh, your in a long distance relationship? please befriend all your boyfriends friends and comment on there things to make it look like you know them  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you rustle jimmies? I bet you couldn't rustle mine.

Oh, you rustle jimmies? I bet you couldn't rustle mine.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're making a gang sign..? You must be so hardcore.

Oh, you're making a gang sign..? You must be so hardcore.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you took a picture of your dinner and posted it to Facebook for the world to see Please tell us all how yummmmy it is!!!

Oh, you took a picture of your dinner and posted it to Facebook for the world to see Please tell us all how yummmmy it is!!!  Condescending Wonka

You keep the title fng and the dog tags emblem on mw3? you must be so hardcore

You keep the title fng and the dog tags emblem on mw3? you must be so hardcore  Condescending Wonka

"Like this if you hate cancer" You're making such a difference in this world

Oh you have a loud pink dodge truck?? You must be such the city redneck

Oh you have a loud pink dodge truck?? You must be such the city redneck   Condescending Wonka
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