Condescending Wonka

Oh, you have the Zia symbol tattoo on you? Please tell me more about how cultured you are.

Oh, you have the Zia symbol tattoo on you? Please tell me more about how cultured you are.   Condescending Wonka

tattoos are a waste of money? Sure we can continue this conversation after your haircut, massage, and Mani-pedi.

tattoos are a waste of money? Sure we can continue this conversation after your haircut, massage, and Mani-pedi.  Condescending Wonka

So you managed to get #glastonbury tickets? Tell me all about it

So you managed to get #glastonbury tickets? Tell me all about it  Condescending Wonka

you are an accepting school full of diversity and understanding please tell me more about how you expelled 4 students this year

you are an accepting school full of diversity and understanding please tell me more about how you expelled 4 students this year  Condescending Wonka

You Know you fucked up right..?? #GirthLucas

You Know you fucked up right..?? #GirthLucas  Condescending Wonka


johnny depp: SUCK MY EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER!  Condescending Wonka

So youre in a sorrority? Please tell me about your grand-littles cousin

So youre in a sorrority? Please tell me about your grand-littles cousin  Condescending Wonka

You're an engineer at NCSU? You must be so unique.

You're an engineer at NCSU? You must be so unique.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, You are an investment banker? please tell me all about your fascinating lifestyle!

Oh, You are an investment banker? please tell me all about your fascinating lifestyle!  Condescending Wonka

So you're arguing on Facebook? Now you can put "Idiot in Public" on your sad resume

So you're arguing on Facebook? Now you can put
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