Condescending Wonka

Oh you have an army of kidnapped children? Tell me how that works for you

Oh you have an army of kidnapped children? Tell me how that works for you  Condescending Wonka

Oh, Rahul Dravid retired? Tell me how he was the greatest international player ever, no really.

Oh, Rahul Dravid retired? Tell me how he was the greatest international player ever, no really.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you are black and trying to go super saiyan on youtube! Please tell me again how yo ass got sexually abused by a super saiyan

Oh, you are black and trying to go super saiyan on youtube! Please tell me again how yo ass got sexually abused by a super saiyan  Condescending Wonka

You know that Johnny Depp was in the original 21 Jump Street? please Tell me how much more you know about the show

You know that Johnny Depp was in the original 21 Jump Street? please Tell me how much more you know about the show  Condescending Wonka

You follow Reece Mastin everywhere ? Of course you aren't a stalker. Just a fan.

You follow Reece Mastin everywhere ? Of course you aren't a stalker. Just a fan.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you workout every day? Tell me why you look the same as you did 6 months ago.

Oh you workout every day? Tell me why you look the same as you did 6 months ago.  Condescending Wonka

So you're a Super Pro Quad Rider? Tell me how many times you pushed you own quad off the track last year.

So you're a Super Pro Quad Rider? Tell me how many times you pushed you own quad off the track last year.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you wanted the bruins to win? please, tell me who won

Oh, you wanted the bruins to win? please, tell me who won  Condescending Wonka

Oh you have tips On your gloves? you must be so fast

Oh you have tips On your gloves? you must be so fast  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're in a sorority? Please, let me get a translator for all your abbrevs.

Oh, you're in a sorority? Please, let me get a translator for all your abbrevs.  Condescending Wonka
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