Condescending Wonka

Oh so you're celebrating 420? Tell me all about how you "blaze that shit up everyday"

Oh so you're celebrating 420? Tell me all about how you

Oh, so Sidney Crosby sucks, Philadelphia? I forgot about Claude Giroux's last Stanley Cup.

Oh, so Sidney Crosby sucks, Philadelphia? I forgot about Claude Giroux's last Stanley Cup.  Condescending Wonka

so you only live once? please tell me more of these life changing discoveries.

so you only live once? please tell me more of these life changing discoveries.  Condescending Wonka

That fat kid thinks the rivers chocolate.... ....stupid cunt

That fat kid thinks the rivers chocolate.... ....stupid cunt  Condescending Wonka

The first time you watched StarWars was in the 21st century? Please tell me more about how the new trilogy is better than the original

The first time you watched StarWars was in the 21st century? Please tell me more about how the new trilogy is better than the original  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you know every word to the song "Cruise"? you must be Florida Georgia Line's biggest fan

Oh, you know every word to the song

Oh, a nazi pun thread how cute

Oh, a nazi pun thread how cute  Condescending Wonka

You make memes? You must be so funny and intelligent in real life

You make memes? You must be so funny and intelligent in real life  Condescending Wonka

Yes Mrs bienkowski Mr. Funk hear you say fuckarama

Yes Mrs bienkowski Mr. Funk hear you say fuckarama  Condescending Wonka

Show me on the doll. Where the bad man touched you.

Show me on the doll. Where the bad man touched you.  Condescending Wonka
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