Condescending Wonka

Oh, look at that. I see that you are negative towards all of the things that people are posting about... Well, doesn't that make you some kind of internet badass?

Oh, look at that. I see that you are negative towards all of the things that people are posting about... Well, doesn't that make you some kind of internet badass?  Condescending Wonka

That was a cool story tell me more bro you got time?

That was a cool story tell me more bro you got time?  Condescending Wonka

oh so you're 12 and you're living young, wild, and free? your parents must be so proud of their little pothead.

oh so you're 12 and you're living young, wild, and free? your parents must be so proud of their little pothead.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you comment on popular videos advertising your channel? i bet you have millions of viewers

Oh you comment on popular videos advertising your channel? i bet you have millions of viewers  Condescending Wonka

Oh, it's snowing at your house? Please, tell me more about how school should be cancelled.

Oh, it's snowing at your house? Please, tell me more about how school should be cancelled.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're condescending and witty on the internet? I bet that confidence translates well into the real world

Oh, you're condescending and witty on the internet? I bet that confidence translates well into the real world  Condescending Wonka

mash up mondays with nicky, hollie & jen, you say? Going to an important lecture tomorrow, you say?

mash up mondays with nicky, hollie & jen, you say? Going to an important lecture tomorrow, you say?  Condescending Wonka

You hate the rival sports team? You must be such a big fan

You hate the rival sports team? You must be such a big fan  Condescending Wonka

you pledged at campus suites? please tell me all about frat life

you pledged at campus suites? please tell me all about frat life  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you know who the ramones are you must know everything about punk music

Oh, you know who the ramones are you must know everything about punk music  Condescending Wonka
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