Condescending Wonka

The Pacific Northwest got a lot of snow, you say? That must be horrible.

The Pacific Northwest got a lot of snow, you say? That must be horrible.
  Condescending Wonka

Oh you've hungout with celebrities Your life must hold much more meaning now

Oh you've hungout with celebrities Your life must hold much more meaning now  Condescending Wonka

Oh votas por capriles porque es lindo? por favor, iluminame con mas de tu sabiduria politica

Oh votas por capriles porque es lindo? por favor, iluminame con mas de tu sabiduria politica  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you joined a sorority? Tell me more about how I don't know how to socialize

Oh, you joined a sorority? Tell me more about how I don't know how to socialize  Condescending Wonka

Madonna being ripped off by Lady gAga? Staples Singers ripped off by Madonna

Madonna being ripped off by Lady gAga? Staples Singers ripped off by Madonna  Condescending Wonka

That's a nice ass he must workout

That's a nice ass he must workout  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so that one person annoys you? Please delight me with another witty and original status.

Oh, so that one person annoys you? Please delight me with another witty and original status.  Condescending Wonka

You use correct grammar and punctuation? You must be so smart

You use correct grammar and punctuation?  You must be so smart   Condescending Wonka

So you're a redditor? Please, explain memes to me

So you're a redditor? Please, explain memes to me  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you go to LCSC? What a smart choice.

Oh, you go to LCSC? What a smart choice.  Condescending Wonka
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