Condescending Wonka

you were born in 1999? please tell me all about how how you're a 90's kid.

you were born in 1999?  please tell me all about how how you're a 90's kid.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you cry during the Olympics? You are such a patriot

Oh you cry during the Olympics?

 You are such a patriot  Condescending Wonka

Oh you don't like chick-fil-a spending money on something you're against? Please tell me more about how all employers should pay for birth control

Oh you don't like chick-fil-a spending money on something you're against? Please tell me more about how all employers should pay for birth control  Condescending Wonka

Oh, the u.s. has the greatest military in the world? I bet you could overthrow the government if you "had to."

Oh, the u.s. has the greatest military in the world? I bet you could overthrow the government if you

Oh, so you didn't enjoy BlogHer? Tell me again about the sessions you didn't go to

Oh, so you didn't enjoy BlogHer? Tell me again about the sessions you didn't go to  Condescending Wonka

Gun laws would prevent shooting sprees? please tell me more about how criminals follow laws

Gun laws would prevent shooting sprees? please tell me more about how criminals follow laws  Condescending Wonka

AHN BO TIN 6 ANJA Y BO ta kibra, bati sanka riba stage soo contami bo mama mester ta hopi proud dibo

AHN BO TIN 6 ANJA Y BO ta kibra, bati sanka riba stage soo contami bo mama mester ta hopi proud dibo  Condescending Wonka

Oh you say Yolo How's that 15 year old pregnant girlfriend of yours?

Oh you say Yolo How's that 15 year old pregnant girlfriend of yours?  Condescending Wonka

i see you've got 2 studded earings in one ear and unnatural hair colour? better take them out before it effects your learning

i see you've got 2 studded earings in one ear and unnatural hair colour? better take them out before it effects your learning  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you have a game on your macbook laptop that you play a lot? you must be a hardcore gamer.

Oh, you have a game on your macbook laptop that you play a lot? you must be a hardcore gamer.  Condescending Wonka
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