Condescending Wonka

Oh, you hate agriculture and think the world could do without it? Please tell me again how you and your family are not going to starve

Oh, you hate agriculture and think the world could do without it? Please tell me again how you and your family are not going to starve  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you have have an independent radio show on the internet? Please, tell my why I should listen to your music and not mine.

Oh, you have have an independent radio show on the internet? Please, tell my why I should listen to your music and not mine.   Condescending Wonka

Oh, you think Twitter is better than Facebook? Please show me your library of full-screen DVD's.

Oh, you think Twitter is better than Facebook? Please show me your library of full-screen DVD's.  Condescending Wonka

So you're going to change up your lines against the Kings in game 4? That's not desperate at all. Let us know how that works out for you.

So you're going to change up your lines against the Kings in game 4? That's not desperate at all.
Let us know how that works
out for you.  Condescending Wonka

Your in the military? tell me about how you fight for my freedom

Your in the military?
 tell me about how you fight for my freedom  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you go to Garrett Seminary? You must know a lot about hugging and social justice.

Oh, you go to 
Garrett Seminary?  You must know a lot about hugging and social justice.   Condescending Wonka

dimelo que se siente que eliminen a guaynabo o bayamon y ahora eres mayaguez

dimelo que se siente que eliminen a guaynabo o bayamon y ahora eres mayaguez  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so the Euro Cup is on? I see you're such an expert on soccer now

Oh, so the Euro Cup is on? I see you're such an expert on soccer now  Condescending Wonka

you go ghost hunting at WLC? You must be so adventurous and brave

you go ghost hunting at WLC? You must be so adventurous and brave  Condescending Wonka

Oh, your post bikini pictures on facebook Please explain to me why men are pigs

Oh, your post bikini pictures on facebook
 Please explain to me why men are pigs  Condescending Wonka
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