Condescending Wonka

I just love reading your statuses bemoaning problems you continuously create for yourself.

I just love reading your statuses bemoaning
 problems you continuously create for yourself.  Condescending Wonka

A "straight line" you say? That must be from the redundancy department of redundancies


There's a Reddit post about a criminal act? Please, tell me more about how they need to call Saul.

There's a Reddit post about a criminal act? 
 Please, tell me more about how they need to call Saul.  Condescending Wonka

oh... so you dont like my meme's anymore adam? how about i make you a nice big condescending chocolate mug of shut the fuck up?

oh... so  you dont like my meme's anymore adam? how about i make you a nice big condescending chocolate mug of shut the fuck up?  Condescending Wonka

Oh it's midnight and you can't sleep? Tell me more about how you're suffering from insomnia.

Oh it's midnight and you can't sleep? Tell me more about how you're suffering from insomnia.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you're not a bandwagon Nats fan? Tell me about last season.

Oh you're not a bandwagon Nats fan? Tell me about last season.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, Tough week in your $50 fantasy football league? i bet a total of $400 in the span of 6 hours yesterday. your stupid fantasy league is annoying and it bastardizes the game you claim to enjoy watching. Next time you place a $50 bet that takes 16 weeks t

Oh, Tough week in your $50 fantasy football league? i bet a total of $400 in the span of 6 hours yesterday. your stupid fantasy league is annoying and it bastardizes the game you claim to enjoy watching. Next time you place a $50 bet that takes 16 weeks t  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you think your organelle is that impressive? Try being the Golgi Apparatus and actually doing something.

Oh, you think your organelle is that impressive?  Try being the Golgi Apparatus and actually doing something.   Condescending Wonka

Oh, you thought you were on break with the med students? Check out the 20+ PT Chapters you still need to cram in

Oh, you thought you were on break with the med students? Check out the 20+ PT Chapters you still need to cram in  Condescending Wonka

"Colorado, Colorado, nada vai nos separar" Por favor, fale sobre suas idas ao Beira-Rio neste ultimo mes

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