Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're adopted? Tell me how your parents love you as if their own.

Oh, you're adopted? Tell me how your parents love you as if their own.  Condescending Wonka

People who disagee with you are... sheeple? Do go on with your convincing argument

People who disagee with you are... sheeple? Do go on with your convincing argument  Condescending Wonka

Oh, You put political posts up on facebook? So many people must care what you think

Oh, You put political posts up on facebook? So many people must care what you think  Condescending Wonka

So you "thought" about joining the army after 9-11? that's practically the the same as enlisting

So you

Drill ran late on a Sunday? Please tell me more about your worst experience in uniform.

Drill ran late on a Sunday? Please tell me more about your worst experience in uniform.   Condescending Wonka

oh, your a republican and your worried about voter fraud? please tell me more about romney's son buying up all the electonic voting machines in ohio while you fill out your mail-in ballot

oh, your a republican and your worried about voter fraud? please tell me more about romney's son buying up all the electonic voting machines in ohio while you fill out your  mail-in ballot   Condescending Wonka

co-worker asks a stupid question Sends a LMGTFY link

co-worker asks a stupid question Sends a LMGTFY link  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're concerned with politics today Tell me who you voted for state senate from memory.

Oh, you're concerned with politics today Tell me who you voted for state senate from memory.    Condescending Wonka

Please tell me more about how you're going to move to canada to escape the president's tax rates and socialized healthcare

Please tell me more about how you're going to move to canada to escape the president's tax rates and socialized healthcare  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you got a twitter mandated password reset? Tell me more about how China is hacking your account.

Oh, you got a twitter mandated password reset? Tell me more about how China is hacking your account.  Condescending Wonka
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