Condescending Wonka

Oh you use the ACR? Tell me again how bad you owned me.

Oh you use the ACR? Tell me again how bad you owned me.  Condescending Wonka

You read 3 lines of the koran in english Tell me more about your analysis of the essence of islam.

You read 3 lines of the koran in english Tell me more about your analysis of the essence of islam.  Condescending Wonka

You say pot is ok because Michael Phelps smokes too? So how many Olympic events have you qualified for?

You say pot is ok because Michael Phelps smokes too?  So how many Olympic events have you qualified for?   Condescending Wonka

You're such an American patriot. I"m sure you would have went to Falujah for free.

You're such an American patriot. I

Oh, Scumbag windows does not ask before it updates? tell me more about your .net expertise and training on multiple operating systems.

Oh, Scumbag windows does not ask before it updates? tell me more about your .net expertise and training on multiple operating systems.  Condescending Wonka

So you can be a good Catholic and be pro-abortion? Tell me again where the leaders of the Church wrote about this in HUMANAE VITAE and CASTI CONNUBII

So you can be a good Catholic and be pro-abortion? Tell me again where the leaders of the Church wrote about this in HUMANAE VITAE and CASTI CONNUBII  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you failed ncea level one? please tell me more about how you go to phs

Oh, you failed ncea level one?
 please tell me more about how you go to phs
  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so Souths have won 20 premierships? How long are the queues at Centrelink?

Oh, so Souths have won 20 premierships? How long are the queues at Centrelink?  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you won against someone on songpop? music really must be your whole life

Oh, you won against someone on songpop? music really must be your whole life  Condescending Wonka

oh, tu vas voter pour Jean Charest juste par frustration contre les etudiants? petrolia, stornoway, desmarais, accurso, vallieres et leurs amis font dire merci!

oh, tu vas voter pour Jean Charest juste par frustration contre les etudiants? petrolia, stornoway, desmarais, accurso, vallieres et leurs amis font dire merci!  Condescending Wonka
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