Condescending Wonka

Oh, You can play coconut champagne? Please tell me about your mastery of articulation in the Latin style

Oh, You can play coconut champagne? Please tell me about your mastery of articulation in the Latin style  Condescending Wonka

Wearing a hooded sweatshirt to demand justice for Trayvon Martin? I bet your passionate activism will help Prosecutors secure a conviction

Wearing a hooded sweatshirt to demand justice for Trayvon Martin? I bet your passionate activism will help Prosecutors secure a conviction  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you've tried 151 Rum? You must be sooo Hardcore.

Oh, you've tried 151 Rum? You must be sooo Hardcore.  Condescending Wonka

Oh I see your Islanders beat the Penguins today I guess we'll be seeing you in the playoffs

Oh I see your Islanders beat the Penguins today I guess we'll be seeing you in the playoffs  Condescending Wonka

Oh, Datwhiteass3564 disagrees with something on facebook? please, enlighten us with your disgust

Oh, Datwhiteass3564 disagrees with something on facebook? please, enlighten us with your disgust  Condescending Wonka

wont have sex with a girl when she's on her period loves anal

wont have sex with a girl when she's on her period loves anal  Condescending Wonka

Oh, your fish got stolen? You must be devastated.

Oh, your fish got stolen? You must be devastated.  Condescending Wonka

You have a turtle rattle tattoo You must know so many ohstowa'kowa songs

You have a turtle rattle tattoo
 You must know so many ohstowa'kowa songs  Condescending Wonka

Your entire trunk is a sub-woofer? Music must sound so good in your car.

Your entire trunk is a sub-woofer? Music must sound so good in your car.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, the rule against perpetuities was abolished? Tell me more about how easy the property exam will be now

Oh, the rule against perpetuities was abolished? Tell me more about how easy the property exam will be now  Condescending Wonka
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