Condescending Wonka

So you would die happy if you never saw another one of these? Tell me about how unhappy this will make you!

So you would die happy if you never saw another one of these?
 Tell me about how unhappy this will make you!  Condescending Wonka

Hey Wisconsin remember that concealed carry law you passed? You must be so much safer now

Hey Wisconsin remember that concealed carry law you passed? You must be so much safer now  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you didn't get the attention you're used to? Tell us how the event is flawed.

Oh, you didn't get the attention you're used to? Tell us how the event is flawed.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, they chose you to sing my song at the olympic closing ceremony? then you must be so much better at singing.

Oh, they chose you to sing my song at the olympic closing ceremony? then you must be so much better at singing.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're presenting in DMA today without the file? Tell me how that goes for you

Oh, you're presenting in DMA today without the file? Tell me how that goes for you  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you don't want universal healthcare because you believe people should have the right to choose their own insurance... Tell me again how affordable and competitive healthcare is...especially for those with pre-existing conditions...

Oh, you don't want universal healthcare because you believe people should have the right to choose their own insurance... Tell me again how affordable and competitive healthcare is...especially for those with pre-existing conditions...  Condescending Wonka

Homeopathy works? tell me again how a friend of a friend of someone you used to know was totally cured by a sugar pill, please

Homeopathy works?
 tell me again how a friend of a friend of someone you used to know was totally cured by a sugar pill, please  Condescending Wonka

Romney says he will balance the budget in his 2nd term now tell me why it's wrong for obama to do the same?

Romney says he will balance the budget in his 2nd term
 now tell me why it's wrong for obama to do the same?  Condescending Wonka

Oh you like the song 'chicken fried' by the sac brown band tell me more about how you love country music

Oh you like the song 'chicken fried' by the sac brown band
 tell me more about how you love country music  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you pre-ordered an iphone 5? Please let everyone know on facebbok

Oh, you pre-ordered an iphone 5? Please let everyone know on facebbok  Condescending Wonka
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