Condescending Wonka

Oh, you have a low battery? Please, beep at me every 30 seconds so I don't forget

Oh, you have a low battery? Please, beep at me every 30 seconds so I don't forget  Condescending Wonka

Krieger says test is easy, no curve Fails multiple times at doing it when she passes it back

Krieger says test is easy, no curve Fails multiple times at doing it when she passes it back  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so you drive a diesel? You must be best friends with Rich Stanley

Oh, so you drive a diesel? You must be best friends with Rich Stanley   Condescending Wonka

Oh, you watched a 30 minute video? tell me about how you've always been a social activist

Oh, you watched a 30 minute video? tell me about how you've always been a social activist  Condescending Wonka

Oh, I see you have a tattoo of a cross. Please tell me all about how religious you are.

Oh, I see you have a tattoo of a cross. Please tell me all about how religious you are.  Condescending Wonka

You made your own fanpage on facebook? You must be so famous.

You made your own fanpage on facebook? You must be so famous.   Condescending Wonka

Ohh, you made a meme? You must be the ultimate social commentator

Ohh, you made a meme? You must be the ultimate social commentator  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you shared a link about Joseph Kony ? Tell me more about how you've always cared for Ugandan children.

Oh, you shared a link about Joseph Kony ?

  Tell me more about how you've always cared for Ugandan children.   Condescending Wonka

oh you posted a video online? tell me again about how much you care about the children in africa

oh you posted a video online? tell me again about how much you care about the children in africa  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you posted "kony 2012" on facebook? Tell me more how you've known about it for the past 24 hours of the 26 years that its been going on.

Oh, you posted
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